“What if the world is holding its breath –
waiting for you to take the place that only you can fill?”
Connection is our birthright. Connection to self, to earth, and community.
While the world is speeding up, there is another movement inviting us to slow down, to sink our roots deep into the red dirt and the rainforests, to remember our place in the family of things, to remember who we really are.
When we apprentice ourselves to nature, to the wilds both inside and outside of us, we can awaken into our full potential, our senses alive, our visions and passions on fire.
Now is the time. For as we Rewild ourselves, so too do we Rewild the planet.
Rewilding the Urban Soul
Although famously nature-loving, 86% of Australians call the city home. How can we answer the call of the wild even while living in the concrete jungle?
Personal Mentoring
Work one-on-one with me to enquire deeply into your inner life, attend to edges and wounds, strengthen the facets of your wholeness and discover your gifts.
My own wild journey through the cauldron of life informs the offerings and stories I share with others. A bit of background here…
“It may be that our task now, as it has always been, is to listen. Simple that.
If we really listen, the land will tell us what it wants and how we can live more responsively”
What is the Nature-Based Leadership Training?
Are you someone who longs to connect deeply with nature and learn real skills of resilience and belonging to place?
Do you want to understand more about your unique gifts and how you can be of service to others and the world at this time of great change?
This immersive, nature-based leadership program is the first of its kind in Australia.
Building from many years’ experience delivering community learning that is grounded in the natural world, CERES and Nature’s Apprentice are coming together to offer a program that will create the kind of earth-based leadership and resilience we and our communities will need in the coming decades.
If you’ve felt called to connect more deeply with your passions, to nature, and be supported by a like-minded community then this course is for you. It offers transformational learning through engaging the whole person: the head, the heart and the hands.
Recent Media

Recently, on ABC’s Compass program, titled 'The Rewilders', my personal story was told.
It explores the sometimes excruciating enquiry of how to live the wild heart who wants to be radically changing the trajectory of culture, sleeping under the stars and singing longing to the moon whilst also being a mother living within the bounds of this economic and cultural system.
What are the portals and doorways to live both simultaneously?
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“I am so deeply grateful to the Nature's Apprentice team for such a life changing ceremony of reconnection to self and inner knowing."
— Lisa Silva
“If you want to come home to connection to yourself, others and the land, I couldn't imagine a better way to spend your time.”
— Pru Gell
“I had such a meaningful experience and would highly recommend a vision quest for any person who can hear the whisper of mystery within.”
— Sam Burns
“This is life changing work - It feels like we have been gifted some amazing multi sensory digging tools to connect with all that is life. Deep gratitude.”
— Trace Balla
All Upcoming Events
“The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best”
This immersive, nature-based leadership program is the first of its kind in Australia. Building from many years’ experience delivering community learning that is grounded in the natural world, CERES and Nature’s Apprentice are coming together to offer a 10-month program that will create the kind of earth-based leadership and resilience we and our communities will need in the coming decades.