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Women, Earth and Soul

  • Sokil Arts Eco Retreat 425 Breakfast Creek Road Wensleydale, VIC, 3241 Australia (map)

Women, Earth and Soul

A Women’s Rewilding Retreat

March 15 – 20 2019

With Rebecca Wildbear and Claire Dunn


Are you longing for deeper intimacy with the wild stirrings of your soul, your creative potential and the wild earth? To sit in sacred ceremony with women on the land, to wander, to play, to listen, to attune… To feast and to fast in the darkness of the forest with your own prayers?

As the pace of our life speeds up and threatens to extinguish our slower instinctual wisdom, our body and soul are calling us to slow down, listen, and descend into the wilds of earth and the mysteries of nature and psyche. A rich intimate participation with nature and the greater community of existence awaits.

This 5-day soulcentric immersion for women is an invitation into a greater sense of belonging and participation with the wild world around us, and within us. To step more fully into our aliveness. A shift from a dulled inert universe to one of possibility and deeper imagination. Learn ancestral earth skills, connect with a community of soul-centred women, feed the wild within, sink your roots deep into the ground of your being. Court your inner beloved, open to the romance of soul, and root in deep connection with the natural world. Live the poetry arising from your soul, while feeling your own note within the song of the world.

Perhaps you have sensed something stalking you - Mystery, Earth, Soul? Open to these dangerous and alluring invitations, encounter magic and rapture, and allow yourself to be vulnerable to the tugging at your hem inviting you to remember who you are and what you came here to do.

Engage with the beings of the more-than-human others while honoring their intelligence, soul and subjectivity. Discover the threads to your larger mythic soul story — the story that lives outside of our common everyday consciousness — the story that beckons to us.

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This 5 day immersion weaves together physical earth skills, embodied movement, ceremony and ‘soulcraft’, culminating in a 24 hour solo on the land.

Mornings will begin with a gentle and playful Wild Yoga asana practice which welcomes all levels of physical ability.

Embodied skills and contemplative practices may include natural movement; rewilding skills such as fire-by-friction and natural fibres; ceremony; sacred wound work, Heart Walks and the Art of Wandering; deep imagery journeys; Sacred Council; soul-oriented dreamwork and trance/drumming and dancing.

For 24 hours we will hold silence together for a period of fasting and praying on the land. There are options for how you choose to participate in this, with the invitation to camp solo for the full duration of the fast. A solo fast is a potent opportunity for deep listening and intimate pan-cultural ceremony. Being alone in nature for an extended time while fasting alters your everyday consciousness and way of being and allows you to open to non-ordinary ways of perceiving.

This retreat is open to those who identify as a woman. We welcome you to be in touch with any questions about the suitability of your involvement.

More Information:

About the Facilitators

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Claire Dunn is a writer, educator, Rewilding facilitator and barefoot explorer.

Claire worked for many years as an environmental campaigner, before studying deep ecology with Joanna Macy, eco-psychology, and wilderness survival skills.

In 2010, Claire embarked on a year of bush retreat.

Her recent book My Year Without Matches: Escaping the City in search of the Wild is the best-selling memoir of that journey, Claire is currently working on another memoir, this time exploring wildness in the urban landscape.

Claire is a passionate advocate for ‘rewilding’ our inner and outer landscapes. She facilitates nature-based reconnection retreats, contemporary wilderness rites of passage and offers individual mentoring.

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Rebecca Wildbear is a river and soul guide, compassionately helping people tune in to the mysteries that live within the wild Earth community, Dreamtime, and their own wild Nature. She gently ushers people to the underground river of their greater story, so they may surrender to their soul’s deepest longing and embrace their sacred gifts, live a life of creative service, and rediscover their deep belonging to the Earth community. A therapist and wilderness guide since 1997, Rebecca utilizes her training and experience with yoga, meditation, Hakomi, and somatic psychotherapy to support individuals in discovering and manifesting their soul gifts. She also leads Animas programs and is on the faculty of Nosara Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. Rebecca is the creator of Wild Yoga™, a sacred way of breathing and moving, aligned with Earth and Soul. Rebecca is here this summer as part of the Soulcraft Australia tour.


We are offering three different prices on a sliding scale, from concession, lower income and higher income.

$300 deposit

$750 – concession

$850 – Waged Lower Income

$950 – Waged

This retreat is full and we are now taking a waiting list. Please email

Cancellation Policy

In the event of cancellation deposits will be refunded outside 60 days of course commencement minus a $50 administration fee. Within 60 days of course commencement deposits are non-refundable. No monies will be refundable within fourteen days of course commencement.