‘The Work That Reconnects’
6 week Facilitator Training
This is a six-week course that will support you to expand and deepen your understanding and experience of the Work that Reconnects. You will be guided by experienced facilitators of this work to learn how to offer these practices to others. You will also be supported in your own process of integration and experimentation with what this work means in your own life. We aim to provide a rich mix of theory, experience, depth, fun, feedback and creativity as well as practice, practice, practice, to help you to gain confidence in leading this sort of work. The program focuses on nature-connected facilitation, and includes the Work That Reconnects.
When: Every Wednesday 6.30pm-9.30pm, starting Wednesday 15 April 2020 through to Wednesday 20 May 2020
For anyone who is new to the Work that Reconnects and interested in facilitating, the Immersion Weekend 5-6 April is a requirement before undertaking the 6 week facilitator training course.
Claire Dunn:
Claire Dunn is passionate about connection - to earth, self, and other - and believes that a rewilding of our inner world is the key to rewilding our planet. For the last 15 years, Claire has been facilitating groups and individuals to dive deeply into soulcentric nature-based transformation, through the pathways of traditional earth skills, deep ecology, nature observation and tracking and contemporary wilderness rites-of-passage. In 2005 Claire completed a month long residential training with Joanna Macy and since then has facilitated dozens of workshops and retreats in The Work that Reconnects. Claire currently lives in Melbourne where she writes, facilitates rewilding workshops, offers personal mentoring, and lovingly tends her garden. Claire is the author My Year Without Matches: Escaping the City in Search of the Wild, a memoir about a year she spent living wild. www.naturesapprentice.com.au
Beth Hill:
Beth is a writer, researcher and facilitator of the Work that Reconnects. She has had a dedicated Insight meditation practice over the last ten years and is passionate about the wisdom of the body as a gateway to insight, healing and action in these troubled times. Beth has been facilitating the Work that Reconnects since 2013, learning directly from Joanna Macy over a number of years, and currently works with Psychology for a Safe Climate offering workshops to climate activists and others, supporting them with grief, burnout and conflict. Bethemilyhill.wordpress.com
Watch here a short clip of Joanna Macy explaining the purpose and practice of her groundbreaking work.