SuperFeast Podcast
/Claire Dunn joins Tahnee on the podcast today. Claire is an author, journalist, educator and barefoot explorer. Claire is dearly passionate about fostering a deep connection to the earth, the self and community.
Claire's work centres around ‘rewilding’ both the inner and outer landscapes. Claire has a keen interest in the psychology of the human-nature connection and offers retreats and Vision Quest's to help guide people back to their true and wild selves.
Tahnee and Claire discuss:
The journey that led Claire to her rewilding work.
The universality of our human connection to earth.
The concept of "claiming place".
Supported solitude and Claire's year without matches.
Moving out of patriarchal cultural conditioning into an embodied feminine space.
Claire's new book Rewilding The Urban Soul.
The importance of knowing your neighbor in these isolating times.
Self sufficiency vs community sufficiency.